We’re here to help you achieve your strategic objectives.
Meet Our Banking Team
Bailey & Company’s team has substantial experience working across the healthcare sector and has cultivated an extensive relationship network with industry leaders over the past two decades. Our senior team work directly with Clients to facilitate successful transactions by understanding our Clients’ goals and objectives, creating a strategy and executing on a plan that will lead to a successful transaction in this increasingly complex market.
Bailey & Company is a team of former owners, operators and institutional investors with a broad base of expertise and experience—running public enterprise, bootstrapping start-ups, and managing growth capital investments. We think like owners because, as a partner-owned merchant bank, we are one.

Jeff Bailey
Co-Founder & Managing Director

Tim Scallen
Chief Executive Officer

Jack Bailey
Co-Founder & Managing Director

Shannon Carter
Chief Financial Officer

James Castro
Co-Head of Healthcare Services

James Metcalf
Co-Head of Healthcare Services

Russell Bryan
Managing Director

Steven Harris
Managing Director

Andrew Hewlett
Managing Director

Richard Jacques
Managing Director

Phillip Knotts
Managing Director

Ben Matz
Managing Director

Stephen Scott
Managing Director

Rebecca Springer
Director, Market Development

Adam Fitzmaurice

Daniel Ward, CFA
Senior Vice President

Ryan Cole
Vice President

David Kaufman
Vice President

Jonathan Beygelman

Sam Riley

Dallas Stauffer

Clay Washburn

Alexa Gittle
Senior Analyst

Ian Arnold

Jack Goggin

Joe Evely

Justin Klotz

Maggie Lyons

Antoinette Morgan
Administrative Assistant

Your expertise could be an asset to us.
Bailey & Company is always looking for the best and brightest minds to join our organization. We’re committed to building a diverse and inclusive team that serves the best interests of our clients. If you are interested in working with us, we encourage you to send your resume to us.
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